Mint partners with STS using G8way for enterprise portable payments

Smart Technology Solutions (STS) and Mint Wireless (Mint) are partnering to deliver an enterprise portable Chip and PIN payment solution for the UK and Irish markets with Australia to quickly follow.

The partnership between STS and Mint will bring to the market a new Managed Payment Service for retailers and field service operatives by teaming STS' EMV expertise and Mint's experience in delivering mobile phone payment applications.

Extending the life of legacy EMV terminals

Obtaining EMV level 2 approvals may not be the most glamorous of achievements, nevertheless it is essential to have these approvals to preserve the security and interoperability of card payment transactions globally. At STS, as the world's leading provider of EMV Level 2 kernels, we are proud to make it our business to gain and maintain these approvals.

During the past 12 months, with our award winning product, Emvelink, we have received no less than 8 letters of approval supporting 49 configurations on 9 PIN pad and card reader types.

Emvelink product update

STS is pleased to announce that it will upgrade Emvelink to meet new EMVCo 4.3 standards

Although STS' Emvelink Level 2 Kernel (release 5.5) for contact based Chip and PIN transactions is currently approved with the major manufacturers terminals against EMVCo specification 4.2 (a), the respective EMVCo Level 2 Letters of Approval are due to expire on 15 January 2013.

STS sponsors cycle team for cancer research

STS is sponsoring 10 students from a number of UK universities who want to challenge themselves physically and mentally during their work-placement year by cycling over 900 miles from London to Monte Carlo. Their aim is to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Many members of the team have been affected by cancer and are personally very supportive of the work Cancer Research does. The members who haven't been affected directly are aware of the great work the charity carries out and are very eager to help the cause. The team has set themselves an ambitious target of raising £40,000.

Electronic charity box launched and extended from online to in-store with link up from technology partners STS and YESpay

Pennies, the electronic charity box, is an innovation in the charitable sector that harnesses retail payments technology to make it easy, affordable and secure for consumers to give pennies to charity as they shop and pay by card. If half of the UK's card-holders gave 8 pence a week in this way an additional £89 million a year could be raised every year.

STS launches its new mobile payments solution at RBTE 2013

Smart Technology Solutions’ (STS) latest product offering Pedlr, will allow merchants and retailers of all sizes to accept card payments securely wherever the customer is located. Pedlr, can be used anywhere on the shop floor, not needing to be tied to a fixed point of sale terminal; at “pop-up” shops used at temporary sites and in peak trading periods; and at outdoor locations by field-sales teams, micro-merchants and sole-traders. The application can be linked to a retailer’s merchandising system providing up-selling product opportunities.

STS customer Welcome Break wins Retailer of the Year award at the 2013 Payments Awards

Welcome Break has revolutionised its entire in-store payments system to improve speed of service to customers. Previously, the company’s point-of-sale and payment systems were not integrated, resulting in slow transactions, long queues and purchase abandonment. Further, daily reconciliation was slow and prone to human error which resulted in reporting inaccuracies.

STS launches new and enhanced website

We are proud to announce the launch of our brand new website, Thank you for your interest in our company Smart Technology Solutions Limited. Over the past few months, we have been busy developing this new site in order to bring you all the very latest news and information regarding our company, solution set and topical issues from across the payments industry.

STS goes "product led"

Smart Technology Solutions (STS) has restructured its internal departments in a move that will see the company become a revitalised, product focused and agile organisation.

Moving away from traditional business development approaches of “working the leads” in favour of actively pursuing preferred organisations to work with, STS has merged sales and development into one unilateral product led team. An aim will be to deliver more revenue through product licence sales, rather than bespoke developments.


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