STS releases second partner survey to help determine next G8 Plugin

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

As STS continues to operate successfully as a Product Led organisation, the company conducted a second survey of its partners, to determine which G8 Plugin they would find most valuable should it be added to STS’ product offering in the future.

The questionnaire was issued to individuals from 19 live STS partners, representing 150,000 points of sale equipped with Emvelink and/or G8 software licences. STS proposed 11 new G8 Plugin options to be placed in priority order, with the opportunity to make further suggestions.

The plugin options were as follows:

·         Pennies

·         truRating

·         eVouchering

·         Hospitality

·         Fuel Cards

·         Loyalty Cards

·         Gift Cards

·         eTopUp

·         Advertising (slide/video show)

·         Games

·         Self-Test

The survey results showed that Hospitality was a high priority for almost all those partners that responded, with Self-Test, Gift Card, Loyalty Card, Pennies, eVouchering, truRating and Fuel Cards all fairly closely grouped after that. 

Steve Turner, CEO of STS, commented, “It is very encouraging to receive this feedback from our partners as it ensures that we structure our roadmap to meet definitive market demands”.

STS will continue to release more surveys over the coming months as these will continue to help the company achieve its aim to develop products and services that sell themselves.