STS successfully extends support of the world’s leading PIN entry devices

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Smart Technology Solutions (STS Payments) is very pleased to announce it has successfully completed the EMVCo Level 2 re-approval of 3 existing PIN entry devices, extending support for at least another 3 years and further confirming that 2015 has been a fantastic year for the company.

Following the STS kernel upgrades to meet the latest EMVCo standards, the 3 devices – the HTEC Hydra OPT Mk II unattended terminal, Ingenico iPP350 and Verifone Vx820 were sent to TUV test labs where they underwent numerous test cases to verify its conformance to the latest EMV 4.3 specification. 

The approval for the Ingenico and Verifone devices is significant to STS as it gives us support for all their devices in their ranges and not just the two named above. One feature added to these devices was the support for Online PIN cardholder verification method, i.e. the PIN will be verified by the issuer, which is widely used within the European retail industry.

This is great news for many of our partners and customers, as half of the UK’s top retailers are using Emvelink for Ingenico and Verifone devices, many of which are international, meaning a unified payment solution can be deployed across the UK and Europe and there is the added bonus that China UnionPay transactions can also be supported.

HTEC has over 1,000 of STS’ Emvelink licences live with its unattended terminal, in use by 20 fuel retailers across the UK, meaning this approval provides both existing and new customers in the fuel industry the latest EMV technology, giving users the option of easier forecourt payments.

The extended support of these devices further enhances STS’ USP of providing maximum device choice and flexibility while protecting the investments they make in payments acceptance solutions.

Bing Dai, Senior Account Manager at STS says, “This is great news for STS to finish off the year with. The development team at STS have worked tirelessly to get these devices into the test lab and it is fantastic to see that all their continued hard work and commitment has paid off. We also have another device going through the testing process as we speak and so look forward to announcing this at the start of the New Year.”

Be sure to check back to our website and look out for further announcements and more STS news on Twitter and Linked-In throughout 2016.